Integrated learning at your fingertips

Our integrated learning system makes collaborative learning a seamless, accessible option for you.

Eliminate your troubles with online learning

Struggling to bring collaborative learning to your online classes? Looking for a virtual environment where your teachers, students, and administrators can communicate seamlessly on several tasks?

Reelae is an online learning platform designed to make collaborative learning more accessible and easier to manage. We can help you create the dynamic, collaborative lessons you need to spruce up your online learning.

Bring integrated learning to your school

Reelae is built for accessibility and simplicity. Check out our list of features to know more!

Access several communication methods

Conduct video classes online, carry out forum chats, distribute course content, and send direct messages all from one platform.

Complete administrative tasks

Administrators can set up classes, teachers can mark attendance, and students can access a library of learning resources seamlessly.

Create a fair workspace

The Reelae platform is a live virtual space that allows workspace groups to conduct learning activities, which can be tracked and recorded by teachers for a fair assessment.

Online collaborative learning is just a click away

The Reelae platform is designed to help you bring integrated learning through online collaboration effortlessly. No steep learning curves. No expensive setup. Simply plug and play!

Easy to learn

The Reelae platform offers a clean, intuitive interface that is easy-to-use and simple setup. Your students, teachers, and administrators will adapt quickly to the platform.

Centralise online collaboration learning

Whether it is marking an assignment, or conducting a video class or overseeing a forum discussion, your teachers can set up classes for online collaborative learning in a quick and engaging way.

No expensive setup required

The Reelae platform receives support for server infrastructure and software development from Microsoft so you do not have to worry about expensive setup costs. Maximise ROI on integrated learning with Reelae!

Want to know more about online learning platforms? Check out this helpful article to know how you can maximise learning outcomes with the right education platform.

Book a free demo!

Interested? You can try the Reelae demo free for 30 days to see if it works for your school. Sign up here to get a free demo.